Buy deadly poison

Familiarize yourself with this information; it will help you make an informed choice. A brief introduction is followed by descriptions of the poisons and a link for purchasing. At the bottom of the page, you'll find information on delivery, purchasing instructions, and contact details. The general idea is as follows: in today's world of advanced organic and synthetic chemistry, there are poisons that are easily identifiable by experts, as well as those that are not. Additionally, poisons may have different effects on the target. Your task is simply to choose the variant that best fits your needs. Let's get started!

Regular or camouflaged?

I have been professionally engaged for over a decade, exclusively synthesizing and extracting poisons for assassins and individuals who lack the extra funds to hire a hitman. With my poisons, synthesized or extracted by an experienced chemist using laboratory equipment, you can easily and quietly dispose of a troublesome spouse with valuable real estate in the city center. Poisons are sold either pure for a nominal fee or with masking, which is more costly. The masking serum contains enzymes that break down the poison residue in the liver into nucleic acids. After this process, it becomes impossible to detect the poison using any equipment—it's no longer present in the body. Each poison manufacturer develops their own masking enzymes, and the synthesis methods are closely guarded secrets. Once injected into the victim's body, the poison unfailingly takes effect.

Synthetic or organic?

Poisons can be organic or synthetic. Organic poisons are extracted from plants containing the required alkaloid or toxin through acetone solution filtration. I understand these poisons; they are natural and derived from herbs/mushrooms that grow naturally, not concocted in a basement. Therefore, they are much more challenging to detect through forensic medical examinations, and if disguised, nearly impossible to identify. No one will order a study to detect every possible poison in the corpse of an elderly individual who, after retirement, spent five years consuming counterfeit drugs from pharmacies. Following such research, the verdict would likely attribute the cause of death to cardiac arrest or kidney and liver failure.

Is it instant or slow?

Poisons can be instant or slow-acting. Instant poisons, as you may have realized, are synthetics, traces of which are instantly detectable even by a blind expert. I don't deal in such substances, and it's not advisable for you to seek them out either. Instantaneous poisons include Novichok, cyanide group poisons, strychnine, batrachotoxin, and curare poison. Slow-acting poisons include ricin, heliotrope downy, and digitoxin. These are the ones suitable for your purposes. Due to their gradual effects, they remain in the body, slowly shutting down various functions (such as protein synthesis in ribosomes and liver cell activity). A person gradually falls ill and fades away during this process. During this time, most of the poison either decomposes on its own or is excreted, making it almost impossible to detect. This is particularly true in the context of older forensic science techniques, which lag behind modern advancements. By ordering slow-acting poisons with masking serum from me, you can rest assured like a child.

Let us consider the poisons in order of effectiveness (in terms of target elimination)

The following poison descriptions are valid for a single target weighing up to 150 kilograms. The amount of poison is provided with a large reserve to eliminate the possibility of "underdosing." If the target weighs more than 150 kilograms, please contact us via email, and we will recalculate for your specific requirements. The form of the substance is at your discretion (choose according to the situation or your convenience): powder, liquid (in a syringe or plastic capsule), or gelatin capsule (similar to capsules containing antibiotics, for example). Different techniques may be employed to liquefy the substance, and these methods may vary depending on the specific poison.

Item №1

Cyanide Poison: I'm not sure why you'd need it. You've probably seen some cheesy movie where a man touches his victim with a ring equipped with a needle, and they soon die in agony. It's one of the most grotesque and pointless ways to kill someone. Cyanide works by binding to a gland in the enzyme responsible for aerobic synthesis of ATP. As you recall from school, ATP is crucial, and without it, the lung muscles can't pump oxygen, and the myocardium can't contract, ultimately leading to death. The main antidote is carbohydrates, which bind cyanide into safe cyanohydrides. If you slip the poison into a sweet juice, and the victim subsequently ingests it with food rich in sugars, they won't be harmed. Masking has been available in our lab since 2020. The lethal dose is about 150 milligrams, roughly equivalent to 6 doses. Ingesting 150mg will result in death within 5-6 hours, while consuming 1g at once will lead to death within 1-2 minutes.

Item №1 (1) regular, 1g: $350 BUY

Item №1 (2) camouflaged, 1g: $490 BUY

Item №2

Death cap extract contains amanitoxin, which acts by destroying hepatocytes—liver cells—as well as kidney cells. Symptoms do not appear immediately. Death occurs on the 10th day due to liver and kidney failure. Without an extra million dollars for emergency surgery in a Serbian clinic, the victim has no chance of survival. If the target is already deceased, no traces of poison will be found if the dosage is correct. This poison is favored by killers because it can be discreetly added to food, smeared on a phone or door handle, or even transferred by a handshake with a gloved hand. The main thing is to remain vigilant and avoid being poisoned yourself.

Item №2 (1) regular, 150mg: $750 BUY

Item №2 (2) camouflaged, 150mg: $975 BUY

Item №3

Foxglove glycosides - digitoxin. Cardiac glycosides are highly beneficial for the myocardium - the heart muscle, but in large doses, they can lead to SUDDEN DEATH from myocardial infarction. This poison is simply ideal for eliminating elderly individuals who are taking counterfeit drugs from local pharmacies. In such cases, everything will be attributed to an overdose or intolerance to medication. As you may have guessed, it is obtained by distillation from foxglove tincture. Since the poison acts relatively quickly, it will not decompose in the body. Therefore, I sell it without masking serum. The lethal dose is approximately 175 milligrams. I sell 1 gram, which equals 5-6 doses.

Item №3 regular, 1g: $1450 BUY

Item №4

Extract of heliotrope downy. What kind of poison is this, where does it grow, and what can it be mixed with can be found easily in Google. The poison acts over a period of 3-5 weeks, and afterward, the victim dies from the replacement of liver cells with connective tissue - cirrhosis, or if the immunity is very weak, from cancer. Detecting such a poison, even in the absence of masking serum, is nearly impossible. If the victim is already elderly and enjoys consuming another similar-acting poison - alcohol, then there won't even be an examination conducted. But it's not unreasonable to be over-insured. This poison is perfect for eliminating active individuals from the middle class. The lethal dose is 1 gram.

Item №4 (1) regular, 1g: $1300 BUY

Item №4 (2) camouflaged, 1g: $1750 BUY

Item №5

At the request of the hardworking individuals, ricin poison has been added. I believe you're familiar with what it is. It's extracted from the seeds of the castor oil plant, sold in the form of seeds, but as you know, it's not safe to extract without laboratory equipment. Plant fats are excellent inhibitors of ricin absorption, and the seeds contain quite a bit of them. Therefore, if after a successful operation in the victim's stomach, they find a significant amount of crushed seeds, the thought may arise in the minds of experts and investigators that this is likely a homicide. The average lethal dose is 0.05-0.07 milligrams when administered by injection and 24 milligrams orally. The poison is a protein consisting of two parts; one facilitates cell penetration, while the other disrupts protein synthesis in the ribosomes within the cell. One molecule of the active part of the poison disables 1500 ribosomes per minute! Death occurs within 3-5 days due to organ failure. The poison should be ingested orally or by injection. It's also possible to administer it through the lungs via aerosols, but this method is quite challenging.

Item №5 (1) regular, 120mg: $450 BUY

Item №5 (2) camouflaged, 120mg: $645 BUY BESTSELLER

Item №6

Also added is scopolamine poison (truth serum). It's used to extract information from the victim in doses ranging from 0.5 mg to 2 mg (no more).

Item №6 10mg (5-20 doses): $300 BUY

Item №7

Custom Poison Development. If none of the options mentioned above suit your needs, there is the possibility of creating a "designer" poison with the desired properties. Modern technologies and the capabilities of artificial intelligence allow for this to be done even in home conditions (referring to formula development, not synthesis), not to mention specialized laboratories like ours. To support my statement, please read this article.

Please provide detailed descriptions of your requirements and how it should function, and we will consider how to implement it. We not only create but also thoroughly test the substances we develop. This means you will receive a high-quality, technologically advanced product with the desired properties. Of course, such development comes at a higher cost than off-the-shelf solutions, but exclusivity always comes at a premium.

How to order

If you have no further questions, please select the appropriate option from the list above and click "BUY." Proceed to make payment through your preferred method. Afterward, please send the following details in an email:

1. Transaction ID, amount, currency
2. Chosen item and its form, for example: Item №1, camouflaged, syringe
3. Delivery method with necessary details

If you require multiple items, simply repeat the payment process for each and send all the necessary information in the email.

Shipping on the same day or the next.

Contact us

If you require consultation, please email us at There are instances where the information provided above may not be sufficient for decision-making. In such cases, you can contact me for consultation. Please provide the gender, weight, age, and any possible illnesses of the victim.

Due to numerous requests from the hardworking individuals, I am sharing photos of the "delivery" forms of the substance into the target's body. In the near future, the concentration of substances will be increased, allowing for the reduction of carrier sizes (for example, using insulin syringes instead of 2ml or smaller capsules for discreet carrying).